Expedition Blog Day 14: Ankarana
A long day awaits us in Ankarana National Park. Finding reptiles in a dry forest is much more difficult than in a rainforest, even during the rainy season. And it gets incredibly hot during...
Expedition Blog Day 13: Loky Manambato – Ambilobe – Ankarana
We leave Loky Manambato and clear the camp. We go off-road until we reach the RN5 – in the light, we can almost see a path in places. The RN5 is freshly asphalted and...
Local form Ankarana East
Distribution of the local form Ankarana East The Ankarana National Park is located in the northwest of Madagascar in the Diana region. By the Tsingys, an impressive needle rock formation, the National Park is...
Local form Ankarana West
Distribution of the local form: Ankarana national park is in northwest Madagascar in region Diana. It is separated into two large areas by the Tsingys, an impressive needlestone formation. One side is the east,...