Expedition Blog Day 16: Montagne d’Ambre
Time to explore the Montagne d’Ambre! This fantastic rainforest is fun every year. A little later than usual – after the long evening yesterday – everyone gathers for breakfast. We then set off on...
Expedition Blog Day 15: Ankarana – Montagne d’Ambre
We leave the hot and dry Ankarana and travel on towards the Montagne d’Ambre. The way there is actually not far, but quite long because of the poor condition of the road. We have...
Expedition Blog Day 14: Ankarana
A long day awaits us in Ankarana National Park. Finding reptiles in a dry forest is much more difficult than in a rainforest, even during the rainy season. And it gets incredibly hot during...
Expedition Blog Day 13: Loky Manambato – Ambilobe – Ankarana
We leave Loky Manambato and clear the camp. We go off-road until we reach the RN5 – in the light, we can almost see a path in places. The RN5 is freshly asphalted and...
Expedition Blog Day 11: Loky Manambato
In daylight, Camp Tattersalli already looks much friendlier than last night. But we are glad to have our tents with us… The dry forest of Loky Manambato is not only home to the famous...
Expedition Blog Day 10: Sambava – Vohémar – Loky Manambato
It goes on! From Sambava, the road takes us along the east coast of Madagascar to Vohémar. Beautiful panther chameleons line the way and we take our time. In Vohémar we have a small...
Expedition Blog Day 5: Marojejy
Another day in Marojejy and this time we go deeper into the forest again: On the very steep, hard way to Camp Simpona very special little jewels can be found. And the day is...
Expedition Blog Day 4: Marojejy
On the first full day in Marojejy, we take it a little slower. There are many animals to be found in the immediate vicinity of the camp, including chameleons, geckos, frogs, and a lot...
Expedition Blog Day 3: Sambava – Marojejy
Here we go at last! We start by bus from Sambava to Manantenina, about 65 km away, where the Marojejy Park Office is located. From there we walk through a wide savannah to Mandena,...
Expedition blog Day 2: Preparations in Sambava
There is a lot to prepare for an expedition to Marojejy. We clarified and discussed many things weeks and months in advance. Which local guides will come with us, when we want to be...