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Local form Nosy Hara

Distribution of the local form Nosy Hara: Nosy Hara is an island in front of a bay not far from Antsiranana (Diego Suarez) in the north of Madagascar. The island is about 3.2 km²...

Local form Nosy Komba

Distribution of the local form Nosy Komba: Nosy Komba is an island in the northwest of Madagascar. It is located in close proximity to the islands Nosy Be and Nosy Tanikely directly opposite the...

Local form Nosy Tanikely

Distribution of the local form Nosy Tanikely: Nosy Tanikely is a tiny paradisiacal island of 3.41 km², which is well reflected in its name. The Malagasy Nosy Tanikely means “island of little earth” or...

Local form Nosy Valiha

Distribution of the local form Nosy Valiha: Nosy Valiha is an about 2,17 km² large island near the bay of Befotaka (a bay of the same name exists on the island Nosy Be, this...
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